Author - William Anderson
Sketch of the Mode of Manufacturing Gunpowder at the Ishapore Mills in Bengal. With a Record of the Experiments Carried on to Ascertain the Value of Charge, Windage, Vent and Weight, etc. in Mortars and Muskets; Also Reports of the Various Proofs ...
EAN 9781376849097 29.43 USD -
Treatise On Regeneration
EAN 9781377775661 29.60 USD -
Origines Parochiales Scotiae. The Antiquities Ecclesiastical and Territorial of the Parishes of Scotland, Volume 2, part 1
EAN 9780343797430 30.83 USD -
Japanese Wood Engravings. Their History, Technique and Characteristics
EAN 9780343862763 21.73 USD -
Catalogue of Specimens of Japanese Lacquer and Metal Work Exhibited in 1894
EAN 9780344234330 27.33 USD -
The Wild Man from Sugar Creek. The Political Career of Eugene Talmadge
EAN 9780807101704 35.55 USD -
Practical Mercantile Correspondence. A Collection of Modern Letters of Business, With Notes Critical and Explanatory, and an Appendix, Containing a Dictionary of Commercial Technicalities, Pro Forma Invoices, Account Sales, Bills of Lading, and Bi...
EAN 9781376421699 30.13 USD -
The Poor of Edinburgh and Their Homes
EAN 9780469453951 27.85 USD -
EAN 9780530064482 30.30 USD -
Reasons for Our Faith. Six Lectures
EAN 9780526008391 29.08 USD -
Genealogy and Surnames. With Some Heraldic and Biographical Notices
EAN 9780526240623 28.55 USD -
A History Of The Constitution Of Minnesota
EAN 9780530859347 32.58 USD -
Sketches of the History and Present State of the Russian Empire ... With Politcal and Personal Memoi
EAN 9780530927695 34.15 USD -
The Consolation of Philosophy. In the Translation of I. T. ;edited and Introduced by William Anderson. --
EAN 9780353207202 27.85 USD