Author - Henry Anderson Bryden
Nature and Sport in Britain
EAN 9780469518131 33.28 USD -
Gun and Camera in Southern Africa. A Year of Wanderings in Bechuanaland, the Kalahari Desert, and the Lake River Country, Ngamiland, With Notes On Colonisation, Natives, Natural History and Sport
EAN 9780341982135 34.50 USD -
Nature And Sport In Britain
EAN 9781446041970 35.43 USD -
Gun and Camera in Southern Africa: A Year of Wanderings in Bechuanaland, the Kalahari Desert, and the Lake River Country, Ngamiland, with Notes On Colonisation, Natives, Natural History and Sport
EAN 9785873926343 14.64 USD -
Kloof and karroo: Sport, legend and natural history in Cape Colony, with a notice of the game birds, and of the present distribution of the antelopes and larger game
EAN 9785875096617 15.26 USD -
Hare-hunting and Harriers: With Notices of Beagles and Basset Hounds
EAN 9785883092205 11.64 USD