Author - John Mason Neale
The Invalid.s Hymn-book
EAN 9780353570801 22.60 USD -
A Commentary On the Psalms. From Primitive and Mediaeval Writers and From the Various Office-Books and Hymns of the Roman, Mozarabic, Ambrosian, Gallican, Greek, Coptic, Armenian, and Syrian Rites; Volume 1
EAN 9780343994822 34.68 USD -
A Commentary On the Psalms. From Primitive and Mediaeval Writers and From the Various Office-Books and Hymns of the Roman, Mozarabic, Ambrosian, Gallican, Greek, Coptic, Armenian, and Syrian Rites; Volume 3
EAN 9780343745431 33.28 USD -
A History of the So-Called Jansenist Church of Holland. With a Sketch of Its Earlier Annals, and Some Account of the Brothers of the Common Life
EAN 9780343810016 30.83 USD -
A Commentary On the Psalms. From Primitive and Mediaeval Writers and From the Various Office-Books and Hymns of the Roman, Mozarabic, Ambrosian, Gallican, Greek, Coptic, Armenian, and Syrian Rites; Volume 2
EAN 9780344154423 34.15 USD -
Catechetical Notes and Class Questions. Chiefly On the Earlier Books of Holy Scripture
EAN 9780344333408 29.43 USD -
A Commentary On the Psalms. From Primitive and Mediaeval Writers and From the Various Office-Books and Hymns of the Roman, Mozarabic, Ambrosian, Gallican, Greek, Coptic, Armenian, and Syrian Rites; Volume 1
EAN 9781375729536 48.15 USD -
Catechetical Notes and Class Questions. Chiefly On the Earlier Books of Holy Scripture
EAN 9781375717120 37.83 USD -
A History of the Holy Eastern Church. The Patriarchate of Antioch
EAN 9781606083307 27.33 USD -
Hymns of the Eastern Church
EAN 9780344092763 29.95 USD -
The Symbolism of Churches and Church Ornaments. A Translation of the First Book of the Rationale Divinorum Officiorum
EAN 9780344347542 29.95 USD -
The Symbolism of Churches and Church Ornaments. A Translation of the First Book of the Rationale Divinorum Officiorum
EAN 9781375770699 40.10 USD -
The Triumphs of the Cross
EAN 9780343691820 27.50 USD -
EAN 9780469517134 29.43 USD