Author - Lamb Charles
Specimens of English dramatic poets who lived about the time of Shakespeare, with the extracts from the Garrick plays. With notes
EAN 9781176298002 26.27 USD -
The Letters of Charles Lamb: Newly Arranged with Additions; Vol I
EAN 9781443711616 10.65 USD -
The Letters of Charles Lamb: Newly Arranged with Additions; Vol II
EAN 9781443711340 10.39 USD -
Tales from Shakespeare (Illustrated Edition) (Dodo Press)
EAN 9781406539417 22.05 USD -
Charles Lamb"s essays
EAN 9781176541399 35.11 USD -
The life and works of Charles Lamb
EAN 9785874407353 14.15 USD -
The Last Essays of Elia
EAN 9780526085361 30.48 USD -
Tales From Shakspeare, by C. and M. Lamb
EAN 9780526006557 32.40 USD -
The Works of Charles Lamb. Letters; Volume II
EAN 9780469487833 34.15 USD -
Tales From Shakespear; Volume I
EAN 9780469587373 30.48 USD -
The Poetical Works of Charles Lamb
EAN 9780469126107 27.85 USD -
The Last Essays of Elia
EAN 9780469089419 30.65 USD -
The Essays of Elia. First Series - Second Series
EAN 9780469782303 33.63 USD -
The Essays of Elia
EAN 9780469678651 29.25 USD