Author - Д. И. Фельдштейн
Психология развития человека как личности (комплект из 2 книг)
EAN 5895026982 16.80 USD -
About the condition and ways to improve the quality of dissertation research in pedagogy and psychology. Report on the expanded meeting of the Presidium Rao on January 23. / O sostoyanii i putyakh povysheniya kachestva dissertatsionnykh issledovaniy po pedagogike i psikhologii. Doklad na rasshirennom zasedanii Prezidiuma RAO 23 yanv.
EAN 9785977002912 0.69 USD -
Priority areas of psychological and educational research in a significant change in the child and the situation of its development / Prioritetnye napravleniya psikhologo-pedagogicheskikh issledovaniy v usloviyakh znachimykh izmeneniy rebenka i situatsii ego razvitiya
EAN 9785977005043 1.05 USD -
Events People Life Sobytiya Lyudi Zhizn
EAN 9785977004084 3.48 USD