Author - George Santayana
The Life of Reason; Or, The Phases of Human Progress. Reason in Religion
EAN 9780526050949 30.13 USD -
The Sense of Beauty. Being the Outlines of Aesthetic Theory
EAN 9780344010606 29.08 USD -
The Sense of Beauty. Being the Outlines of Aesthetic Theory
EAN 9780344063268 29.08 USD -
A Hermit of Carmel and Other Poems
EAN 9780469837867 29.25 USD -
Character and Opinion in the United States
EAN 9780469723832 29.25 USD -
Interpretations of Poetry and Religion
EAN 9780469616578 29.95 USD -
The Life of Reason or The Phases of Human Progress
EAN 9780530367613 29.78 USD -
Character and Opinion in the United States, With Reminiscences of William James and Josiah Royce
EAN 9780526646265 29.25 USD -
EAN 9780526684625 29.08 USD -
The Sense of Beauty; Being the Outlines of AestheticTheory
EAN 9780530641041 30.30 USD -
Interpretations of Poetry and Religion
EAN 9781010041641 29.95 USD -
The Life of Reason; Or, The Phases of Human Progress
EAN 9780469521353 29.78 USD -
The Life of Reason; or, The Phases of Human Progress
EAN 9780530869711 29.95 USD -
Interpretations of Poetry and Religion
EAN 9781010138266 29.95 USD