Author - Е. А. Соколков
Problems integration humanitarian natural sciences in modern education Problemy integratsii gumanitarnogo i estestvennonauchnogo znaniya v sovremennom obrazovanii
EAN 9785986990880 5.97 USD -
Problems polycultures Poliyazychy in arts education PROBLEMY POLIKULTUR I POLIYaZYChIY V GUMANITARNOM OBRAZOVANII
EAN 9785986990538 9.55 USD -
Trowel EA Professional growth specialist gumanitariya.dlya scientists and experts in the field of psychology, pedagogy and sociology. It is of interest to university students enrolled in the social and humanitarian / Sokolkov E.A. Professionalnoe stanovlenie lichnosti spetsialista-gumanitariya.Dlya uchenykh i spetsialistov v oblasti psikhologii, pedagogiki i sotsiologii. Predstavlyaet interes dlya studentov vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, obuchayushchikhsya po sotsialnym i gumanitarnym
EAN 9785986990927 8.36 USD -
Metodologiya kulturnogo samoopredeleniya formiruyuscheysya lichnosti spetsialista-gumanitariya. Opyt filosofskogo osmysleniya
EAN 9785986991023 7.98 USD