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Principles of Contract Law, Third Edition 2013 - Paperback
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A legal education renaissance. a practical approach for the twenty-first century
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Rights and Revolution
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International Procurement and Electronic Commerce in the South Pacific. Law and Practice
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Managing and Raising Money that is Not Your Own. Financial Management and Fundraising in Non-Profit Organizations
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How the Courts Work. A Plain English Explanation of the American Legal System, Paperback Edition
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Cooperation Before Contract
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Concise Text on the Law of Torts in England and Wales
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Injured-Seriously! Personal Injuries and Their Mechanisms and Effects
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Lobbying. Business, Law and Public Policy, Why and How 12,000 People Spend .3+ Billion Impacting Our Government
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Permanent Establishment in the United States. A View Through Article V of the U.S.-Canada Tax Treaty
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The Next Antitrust Agenda. The American Antitrust Institute"s Transition Report on Competition Policy to the 44th President of the United States
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Working in Innocence Programs. Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Innocence Work But Were Afraid to Ask
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Contextual-Configurative Jurisprudence. The Law, Science and Policies of Human Dignity
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