Брэнд - Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Pr
The Campus and a Nation in Crisis: From the American Revolution to Vietnam
EAN 9780838636589 -
Imitation as Resistance: Appropriations of English Literature in Nineteenth-Century America
EAN 9780838636398 -
Shakespeare Re-Dressed: Cross-Gender Casting in Contemporary Performance
EAN 9781611473469 81.19 USD -
Search for a New Eden: James Pierrepont Greaves (1777-1842), the Sacred Socialist and His Followers: James Pierrepont Greaves (1977-1842) - The Sacred Socialist and His Followers
EAN 9780838638095 42.42 USD -
Apart from Modernism: Edith Wharton, Politics, and Fiction Before World War I
EAN 9781611473162 91.34 USD -
Rethinking Literary Biography: A Postmodern Approach to Tennessee Williams
EAN 9781611471113 -
Long Knives and the Longhouse: Anglo-Iroquois Politics and the Expansion of Colonial Virginia
EAN 9781611470581 61.59 USD -
Search for a New Eden: James Pierrepont Greaves (1777-1842)
EAN 9781611471762 75.85 USD -
Economic Assistance and the Northern Ireland Conflict: Building the Peace Dividend
EAN 9780838641866 44.46 USD -
Black Greek 101: The Culture, Customs, and Challenges of Black Fraternities and Sororities
EAN 9780838640241 24.37 USD -
British Romantic Drama: Historical and Critical Essays
EAN 9780838637432 38.92 USD -
Bertha E. Jaques and the Chicago Society of Etchers
EAN 9780838638415 -
The Writer in the Jewish Community: An Israeli-North American Dialogue (Nursing Administration Quarterly Series)
EAN 9780838634592 28.24 USD -
The Riddle of the Sphinx: Interpreting the Human World
EAN 9780838639955 39.95 USD