Брэнд - Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Pr
The Mystery of Leopold Stokowski
EAN 9781611470871 42.17 USD -
Wine and Thorns in Tokay Valley: Jewish Life in Hungary: The History of Abaujszanto (Sara F. Yoseloff Memorial Publications in Judaism and Jewish)
EAN 9781611476682 58.69 USD -
Shakespeare and the History of Soliloquies
EAN 9780838639719 73.93 USD -
Shakespearean Performance: New Studies
EAN 9780838641286 42.01 USD -
Marie Prescott: "A Star of Some Brilliancy"
EAN 9780838642122 55.00 USD -
Ezra Pound and Neoplatonism
EAN 9781611472738 94.27 USD -
Shakespeare Studies, Volume XXXIII
EAN 9780838640753 58.61 USD -
The Civilization of the Holocaust in Italy: Poets, Artists, Saints, Anti-Semites (Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Series in Italian Studies)
EAN 9781611472608 77.67 USD -
The Garden of Janus
EAN 9780838636725 32.87 USD -
Latin American Shakespeares
EAN 9780838640647 57.02 USD -
Shameless Propositions
EAN 9781611474343 51.33 USD -
Sister Souls: The Power of Personal Narrative in the Poetic Works of Antonia Pozzi and Vittorio Serini: (Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Series in Italian Studies)
EAN 9781611470321 35.62 USD -
New Perspectives on Ben Jonson
EAN 9780838636879 38.26 USD -
Willa Cather: New Facts, New Glimpses, Revisions
EAN 9780838641354