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Militias and the Challenges of Post-Conflict Peace: Silencing the Guns
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Region-Building in Southern Africa: Progress, Problems and Prospects
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Pluralist Economics
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Making Poverty: A History
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Anthropology and Development: Understanding Comtemporary Social Change
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Sexualities (Issues in Contemporary Indian Feminism)
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Development Planning: Concepts and Tools for Planners, Managers and Facilitators
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Checkpoint Watch: Testimonies from Occupied Palestine
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Strategic Terror: The Politics and Ethics of Aerial Bombardment
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The Daughters of Development: Women in a Changing Environment
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The Water Business: Corporations Versus People
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Looting Africa: The Economics of Exploitation
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The Anti-Capitalist Dictionary: Movements, Histories, and Motivations
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The Global Food Economy: The Battle for the Future of Farming
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