Брэнд - West Academic Publishing
New Developments in Securities Litigation: Leading Lawyers on Adapting to Trends in Securities Litigation and Regulatory Enforcement (Inside the Minds)
EAN 9780314283894 81.00 USD -
Bermann, Goebel, Davey, and Fox"s Selected Documents Supplement to Cases and Materials on European Union Law, 3D (American Casebook)
EAN 9780314184191 79.05 USD -
Folsom, Gordon, Spanogle Jr., Fitzgerald and Van Alstine"s International Business Transactions: Contracting Across Borders, 11th
EAN 9780314276131 162.45 USD -
Counseling Clients on Worksite Enforcement: Leading Lawyers on Responding to Government Investigations and Implementing Effective Compliance Programs (Inside the Minds)
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Navigating Intellectual Property Disputes: Leading Lawyers on Protecting IP Assets, Preventing and Resolving Disputes, and Understanding Recent Regula (Inside the Minds)
EAN 9780314209979 92.27 USD -
Developing a Patent Strategy: Leading Lawyers on Counseling Clients on Patent Protection, Evaluating Patent Portfolios, and Working with the USPTO (Inside the Minds)
EAN 9780314919977 99.91 USD -
Sum & Substance Torts
EAN 9780314163325 69.39 USD -
Trends in DUI Discovery: Leading Lawyers on Understanding Scientific Advances, Obtaining and Suppressing Evidence, and Analyzing the Role of Ex (Inside the Minds)
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Recent Trends in Trademark Protection: Leading Lawyers on Analyzing Recent Decisions and Adapting to Evolutions in Trademark Law (Inside the Minds)
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Recent Developments in Securities Law: Leading Lawyers on Understanding Important Legislation and Complying with SEC Rules and Regulations (Inside the Minds)
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Construction Dispute Resolution: Leading Lawyers on Understanding the Benefits of Adr, Educating the Client, and Navigating the Effects of the Economi (Inside the Minds)
EAN 9780314214003 85.50 USD -
The Law of Juries, 6th
EAN 9780314603203 499.00 USD -
Corporations, Other Limited Liability Entities and Partnerships, Statutory and Documentary Supplement for Hazen & Markham"s Corporations and Other Bus
EAN 9780314288363 35.15 USD -
Reisman, Craig, Park and Paulsson"s International Commercial Arbitration, Cases, Materials and Notes on the Resolution of International Business Dispu (University Casebook Series)
EAN 9781566625548