Брэнд - West Academic Publishing
Electronic Records Management and e-Discovery: Leading Lawyers on Navigating Recent Trends, Understanding Rules and Regulations, and Implementing an e (Inside the Minds)
EAN 9780314268198 88.54 USD -
Disability Civil Rights Law and Policy, Statutory Supplement: Cases and Materials (American Casebooks)
EAN 9780314907738 26.01 USD -
Federal Income Taxation: Cases and Materials (University Casebooks)
EAN 9781599412450 204.90 USD -
Strategies for Family Law in Texas: Leading Lawyers on Analyzing Recent Legal Trends, Implementing Creative Strategies, and Overcoming Common Challeng (Inside the Minds)
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Federal Estate and Gift Taxation (American Casebooks)
EAN 9780314199706 180.91 USD -
Law and the Mental Health System: Civil and Criminal Aspects
EAN 9780314267290 206.97 USD -
Nine Questions: Secured Debt Deals in the 21st Century (American Casebooks)
EAN 9780314265005 191.33 USD -
Copyright Statutory Supplement: Unfair Competition, and Related Topics Bearing on the Protection of Works of Authorship (University Casebook: Supplement)
EAN 9781599417608 33.47 USD -
Bermann, Goebel, Davey, and Fox"s Cases and Materials on European Union Law, 3D (American Casebook Series)
EAN 9780314184207 204.43 USD -
Securities Regulation: Cases and Materials: Problem and Documentary Supplement (American Casebooks)
EAN 9780314209726 41.13 USD -
Folsom, Gordon and Gantz"s NAFTA and Free Trade in the America"s, a Problem Oriented Coursebook, 2D (American Casebooks)
EAN 9780314153975 200.03 USD -
M&A Negotiations, 2010 Ed.: Leading Lawyers on Structuring Transactions, Negotiating Agreements, and Addressing Management Concerns (Inside the Mi (Inside the Minds)
EAN 9780314268594 90.61 USD -
Criminal Procedure (Legalines)
EAN 9780314206879 38.02 USD -
Levine"s Civil Procedure in California: State and Federal, 2013 Edition, Supplemental Materials for Use with All Civil Procedure Casebooks (American Casebook Series)
EAN 9780314286086 73.12 USD