Брэнд - A K Peters Ltd (Ma)
Rendering Techniques 2005
EAN 9781568813790 70.14 USD -
Graphics Interface 2001
EAN 9781568811918 49.67 USD -
Service Robots
EAN 9781568811093 60.34 USD -
Graphics Interface 2004 (Graphics Interface (Conference Proceedings))
EAN 9781568812274 61.11 USD -
Mathematics at Berkeley: A History
EAN 9781568813028 37.19 USD -
Realistic Image Synthesis Using Photon Mapping
EAN 9781568811475 49.32 USD -
Lessons in Play: An Introduction to Combinatorial Game Theory: An Introduction to the Combinatorial Theory of Games
EAN 9781568812779 77.24 USD -
Mathematical Principles for Scientific Computing and Visualization
EAN 9781568813219 61.85 USD -
The Most Complex Machine: A Survey of Computers and Computing
EAN 9781568811284 53.02 USD -
Surveys in Number Theory: Papers from the Millennial Conference on Number Theory
EAN 9781568811628 51.48 USD -
The Shape of Content: Creative Writing in Mathematics and Science: An Anthology of Creative Writing in Mathematics and Science
EAN 9781568814445 36.51 USD -
Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics: Essays in Honor of Solomon Feferman: Lecture Notes in Logic 15
EAN 9781568811697 117.01 USD -
Leonhard Euler and the Bernoullis: Mathematicians from Basel
EAN 9781568814643 30.41 USD -
Graphics Shaders: Theory and Practice, Second Edition
EAN 9781568814346 75.70 USD