Брэнд - VDM Verlag
The Employment Relationship and Integrated Theory. Moral Foundations for the Master-Servant Relationship
EAN 9783639051728 118.21 USD -
Risky Bond Valuation
EAN 9783639059571 73.98 USD -
Platforms, Pricing, Commitment and Variety in Two-Sided Markets
EAN 9783639051919 101.75 USD -
Agricultural Commodity Prices and Household Welfare in Ghana. Channels and Impacts
EAN 9783639084467 72.70 USD -
Developing the Business Case for a New Mobile Service: An Exercise in Business Model Designing
EAN 9783639048155 71.81 USD -
What Makes University Students Study Abroad? - An Empirical Study on What Determines Exchange Program Participation
EAN 9783639046649 73.28 USD -
Whose Peace?
EAN 9783639043464 74.35 USD -
Geographies of Rural Families. An Examination Of Household Economies In Contemporary Vietnam
EAN 9783639056396 74.44 USD -
Economic and Monetary Union and Its Housing Consequences
EAN 9783639052299 119.33 USD -
Understanding the Chinese Consumer. Segmentation as the Basis for Marketing Strategies
EAN 9783639063493 78.96 USD -
Witness Evidence in International Commercial Arbitration
EAN 9783639027808 74.28 USD -
The Marketing Strategy of METRO Commercial Ltd.
EAN 9783639022469 73.51 USD -
Value Processing in Organizations. Value Processes in Three Case Companies - Individual Perceptions
EAN 9783639008463 113.75 USD -
Strategic Synergistic Cross-Sectoral Alliances: Sustaining Community College-Business-Community Relationships for Educational Programs, Rural Community, Workforce, and Economic Development
EAN 9783639005776 114.39 USD