Брэнд - VDM Verlag
Strategic Management in Education. The Organization, Dynamics and Structure of an Education Sector
EAN 9783639133776 79.38 USD -
Systemisches Aufstellen als Methode sozialer Gruppenarbeit. Familienaufstellungen, Teamaufstellungen, Zielaufstellungen
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Weibliche Emanzipationsprozesse in der brasilianischen Literatur. Von Liliths, Iansas und Pandoras bei Sonia Coutinho
EAN 9783639067897 58.59 USD -
Gender Matters: A Feminist Perspective of the Nursing Faculty Shortage. An Analysis of Practice and Policy Issues Faced by Women in Academe
EAN 9783639040272 88.74 USD -
Giving Voice to Asian Christians. An Appraisal of the Pioneering Work of I-To Loh in the Area of Congregational Song
EAN 9783639060744 86.22 USD -
Looking Beyond Socioeconomic Status. Using Quantitative Measures of Student Misconduct to Identify “At-Risk” Schools
EAN 9783836441681 72.41 USD -
Stadterneuerung am Praca XV de Novembro. Entwicklungskonzept fuer einen Stadtplatz in Rio de Janeiro
EAN 9783639200027 71.75 USD -
Strategische Neuausrichtung regionaler Dienstleistungsunternehmen. Strategische Neuausrichtung regionaler Dienstleistungsunternehmen der Automobilindustrie fuer eine bundesweite Expansion
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Fighting for a Voice. Support for Land Reform Versus the Landless Workers Movement: A Framing Analysis of the Brazilian Press
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Besucherlenkung in Grossschutzgebieten. Am Beispiel des Biosphaerengebiets Schwaebische Alb
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Writing Back as "The Second Coming". Examining Hybridity, Mimicry and Mock-hero in Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart
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Stellenwert von DRM-Systemen in der Vertriebstrategie der Zukunft. Eine Analyse am Beispiel der Musikindustrie
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Numerical simulation of two phase flows. Coupling of a stabilized finite element method with a discontinuous level set approach
EAN 9783639178555 93.08 USD -
A Cross Cultural Analysis of Women's Perceptions of Morality. Women's Voices in Costa Rica and the United States
EAN 9783639169430 69.95 USD