Gender Matters: A Feminist Perspective of the Nursing Faculty Shortage. An Analysis of Practice and Policy Issues Faced by Women in Academe
Цена 53.44 - 134.43 USD
book24.ru53.44 USD
- The nation is facing a critical shortage of registered nurses. At a time when the health care industry requires more nurses, the capacity of the nursing education system is diminishing. Drawing on extensive interviews with nurse educators, this book examines women"s struggles to gain authority and respect in the academic profession and to use that authority to influence the nursing faculty shortage. Nursing is bound in an ideology based on women"s duty and members of the profession have had to battle sexist beliefs and values. Hierarchies within the health care system and academia place the status of women subservient to men. Thus, the crisis in the nursing profession can not be explored without examining the relationship between the role of the nurse educator and the position of women. This book highlights that as women rise in academe, they are stymied at a certain level by the remaining hierarchical forces which in the past barred women from professional life altogether. These forces decreed a sharp division between men and women, assigning men to intellectual pursuits, women to emotional and relational ones. Внимание! На данный товар не распространяются ни оптовые, ни накопительные скидки. Эта книга будет изготовлена в соответствии с Вашим заказом по технологии Print-on-Demand. Print-on-Demand - это технология печати книг по Вашему заказу на цифровом типографском оборудовании.