Метка - Thermodynamics
Introduction to Engineering Thermodynamics (Paperback)
EAN 9780471737599 156.60 USD -
Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (2nd Edition) (Prentice Hall International Series in the Physical and Chemical Engineering Sciences)
EAN 9780136068549 124.99 USD -
Heat Conduction
EAN 9780470902936 141.05 USD -
Heating and Cooling of Buildings: Design for Efficiency, Revised Second Edition (Mechanical Engineering (CRC Press Hardcover))
EAN 9781439811511 129.84 USD -
Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow (Hemisphere Series on Computational Methods in Mechanics and Thermal Science)
EAN 9780891165224 213.62 USD -
Mass Transfer
EAN 9780130328298 104.59 USD -
Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines
EAN 9780230576636 -
Statistical Thermodynamics
EAN 9780486661018 9.46 USD -
Manual Thermal Evaluation
EAN 9780939616480 38.95 USD -
Principles of Heat Transfer
EAN 9780495667704 182.41 USD -
Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach
EAN 9780072383324 100.31 USD -
Handbook of Heat Transfer
EAN 9780070535558 169.52 USD -
Piping Design Handbook
EAN 9780824785703 472.88 USD -
Thermal Physics (2nd Edition)
EAN 9780716710882 164.60 USD