Метка - Conflict of Laws
Commentary on the Conflict of Laws, 6th (University Textbooks)
EAN 9781599418629 102.84 USD -
Embedding Mahr (Islamic Dower) in the European Legal System
EAN 9788757424768 52.65 USD -
Muslim and American? Straddling Islamic Law and U.S. Justice (Law and Society: Recent Scholarship)
EAN 9781593323943 78.00 USD -
Freedom of Establishment and Private International Law for Corporations (Oxford Private International Law Series)
EAN 9780199698042 185.25 USD -
Conflict of Laws: American, Comparative, International Cases and Materials, 3d (American Casebook)
EAN 9780314280220 196.95 USD -
New Perspectives on the Divide Between National and International Law
EAN 9780199231942 157.03 USD -
Law School Legends Audio on Conflict of Laws
EAN 9780314198792 53.62 USD -
International Patent Litigation: Developing an Effective Strategy
EAN 9781905783212 183.30 USD -
Black Letter on Conflict of Laws, Fifth Edition (Black Letter Outline)
EAN 9780314160126 34.00 USD -
Substance and Procedure in Private International Law (Oxford Private International Law Series)
EAN 9780199532797 185.25 USD -
Conflict of Laws, 5th (Hornbooks)
EAN 9780314911605 104.99 USD -
Conflict of Laws: Cases and Materials (Casebook)
EAN 9780735524194 100.50 USD -
Intellectual Property and Private International Law: Comparative Perspectives (Studies in Private International Law)
EAN 9781849462310 340.29 USD -
Conflict of Laws
EAN 9781859419724 58.45 USD