Метка - Conflict of Laws
Conflict of Laws, Cases, Comments, Questions, 9th (American Casebook)
EAN 9780314281449 187.88 USD -
Suing Foreign Governments and Their Corporations
EAN 9781571051318 253.00 USD -
Legal Rights
EAN 9780199545285 91.17 USD -
Fundamentals of Transnational Litigation: The United States, Canada, Japan, and The European Union
EAN 9781422497050 169.65 USD -
Rethinking the Law of Armed Conflict in an Age of Terrorism
EAN 9780739166536 88.67 USD -
Complete Guide to Federal & State Garnishment, 2013 Edition
EAN 9781454810254 359.00 USD -
Conflict of Laws (Concise Hornbook Series)
EAN 9780314191021 45.17 USD -
The Rome Regulations: Commentary on the EC Regs on Conflict Laws
EAN 9789041125866 250.31 USD -
Casenote Legal Briefs: Conflicts - Keyed to Symeonides, Perdue and von Mehren
EAN 9780874572612 35.95 USD -
Conflict of Laws (Hornbook Series and Other Textbooks)
EAN 9780314146458 95.00 USD -
Criminal Procedure and the Supreme Court: A Guide to the Major Decisions on Search and Seizure, Privacy, and Individual Rights
EAN 9781442201569 49.44 USD -
Conflict of Laws (Black Letter Outlines)
EAN 9780314195715 37.00 USD -
Cheshire, North & Fawcett. Private International Law
EAN 9780199284382 68.20 USD -
Terrorism, The Laws Of War, And The Constitution: Debating The Enemy Combatant Cases
EAN 9780817946227 17.40 USD