Издатель - Praeger Publishers
Preemie Parents: Recovering from Baby"s Premature Birth
EAN 9780275989064 56.03 USD -
Of Sound Mind to Marry: A Reality Check from the Marriage Counselor for Pre-Weds
EAN 9780313347238 45.20 USD -
Mothers-in-Law and Daughters-in-Law: Understanding the Relationship and What Makes Them Friends or Foe
EAN 9780313347214 50.24 USD -
Presidential Transitions: It"s Not Just the Position, It"s the Transition
EAN 9780275994082 74.62 USD -
Warring Parents, Wounded Children, and the Wretched World of Child Custody: Cautionary Tales
EAN 9780313349737 47.40 USD -
Santeria: Correcting the Myths and Uncovering the Realities of a Growing Religion
EAN 9780275990794 56.94 USD -
Can God Intervene? How Religion Explains Natural Disasters
EAN 9780275989583 47.23 USD -
Solving Health and Behavioral Problems from Birth through Preschool: A Parent"s Guide
EAN 9780275993474 56.82 USD -
The Faith Factor: How Religion Influences American Elections
EAN 9780275987183 51.46 USD -
Fact and Fiction of Healthy Vision: Eye Care for Adults and Children
EAN 9780275993450 58.56 USD -
The History of Special Education: A Struggle for Equality in American Public Schools
EAN 9780275989132 50.91 USD -
Olympic Turnaround: How the Olympic Games Stepped Back from the Brink of Extinction to Become the World"s Best Known Brand
EAN 9780275990305 46.78 USD -
Defending and Parenting Children Who Learn Differently: Lessons from Edison"s Mother
EAN 9780275992484 56.91 USD -
Scientific Errors and Controversies in the U.S. HIV/AIDS Epidemic: How They Slowed Advances and Were Resolved
EAN 9780313347177 63.07 USD