Издатель - Princeton University Press
Credit Risk – Pricing, Measurement, & Management
EAN 9780691090467 103.34 USD -
Venomous Snakes of the World
EAN 9780691150239 17.57 USD -
The Econometrics of Financial Markets
EAN 9780691043012 57.04 USD -
Corporate Governance Lessons from Transition Economy Reforms
EAN 9780691138312 43.52 USD -
Не ради прибыли. Зачем демократии нужны гуманитарные науки
EAN 9780691140643 18.89 USD -
Max Weber and the Idea of Economic Sociology
EAN 9789962550518 42.07 USD -
Economic Discrimination and Political Exchange
EAN 9780691000831 22.11 USD -
When They Severed Earth from Sky: How the Human Mind Shapes Myth
EAN 9780691127743 23.47 USD -
European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages
EAN 9780691018997 43.68 USD -
A Farewell to Alms: A Brief Economic History of the World
EAN 9780691141282 20.37 USD -
Anglican Communion in Crisis: How Episcopal Dissidents and Their African Allies Are Reshaping Anglicanism
EAN 9780691125183 52.65 USD -
Strong Managers, Weak Owners. The Political Roots of American Corporate Finance
EAN 9780691026312 73.55 USD -
Art & Illusion: A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation
EAN 9780691070001 52.20 USD -
Art of the Deal
EAN 9780691148328 60.58 USD