Издатель - University of Notre Dame Press
The Andean Hybrid Baroque: Convergent Cultures in the Churches of Colonial Peru
EAN 9780268022228 88.53 USD -
Origen and the History of Justification: The Legacy of Origen"s Commentary on Romans
EAN 9780268041281 70.21 USD -
Pastoral Quechua: The History of Christian Translation in Colonial Peru, 1550-1650
EAN 9780268025915 49.13 USD -
Corpus Mysticum: The Eucharist and the Church in the Middle Ages
EAN 9780268025939 39.16 USD -
Symbolic Caxton: Literary Culture and Print Capitalism
EAN 9780268033170 40.62 USD -
Decentralization and Democracy in Latin America
EAN 9780268025595 36.19 USD -
Woody Allen: An Essay on the Nature of the Comical
EAN 9780268031046 21.01 USD -
The Church of the Holy Spirit
EAN 9780268020309 57.95 USD -
Nahmanides in Medieval Catalonia: History, Community, and Messianism
EAN 9780268022938 41.69 USD -
Gendering Disgust in Medieval Religious Polemic
EAN 9780268023676 57.42 USD -
Redeeming Truth: Considering Faith and Reason
EAN 9780268031053 38.65 USD -
A Just & True Love: Feminism at the Frontiers of Theological Ethics: Essays in Honor of Margaret A. Farley
EAN 9780268040253 58.84 USD -
Chosen among Women: Mary and Fatima in Medieval Christianity and Shi"ite Islam
EAN 9780268042318 30.64 USD -
Women and the Contested State: Religion, Violence, and Agency in South and Southeast Asia
EAN 9780268041250 69.09 USD