A Just & True Love: Feminism at the Frontiers of Theological Ethics: Essays in Honor of Margaret A. Farley
Цена 45.00 - 72.67 USD
This interdisciplinary and ecumenical collection of essays honors the transformative work of Margaret A.Farley, Gilbert L.Stark Professor of Christian Ethics at Yale Divinity School, by using it as a starting point for reflection on the contribution of feminist method to theology and ethics. Through a variety of perspectives, contributors show that by resisting classical oppositions between "interpersonal" and "social" ethics and by insisting that social, economic, and political realities be taken seriously in considerations of justice, feminist concerns challenge the very categories of Christian ethics. With essays ranging from sexual ethics to human rights, medical ethics to freedom, "A Just and True Love" offers a broad perspective on the last twenty-five years of feminist innovation in Christian ethics and a glimpse of its global future, particularly in continents such as Africa.