Antioxidant Content And Antioxidant Activity Of 92 Little Millets
Цена 68.00 - 71.06 USD
A study was carried out to analyze the chemical composition antioxidant content and activity of little millet landraces. Totally 92 little millet landraces were procured from the farmers of different districts of Karnataka i.e., Dharwad, Haveri and Chitradurga, grown in the year 2007-09. Based on locality moisture, fat and ash varied significantly, where as for protein and fiber no significant difference was found. The moisture content among the landraces vaied from 4.37 to 5.73 percent. The protein content ranged from 7.24 to 7.81 percent. Fat content was highest in millets collected from Jekinkatti (4.78%) and least was observed in Shishunal (2.93%). Ash content varied from 1.52 to 4.87 per cent. The ?-tocopherol content of little millet landraces varied significantly among the millet samples and values ranged between 1.75 to 5.43 mg/100g. Polyphenol content varied significantly among the decorticated grains and in bran. Bran contained higher amount of polyphenol compared to...