Календарь 2016 (на спирали). All About Waterfalls

Waterfalls are a very popular subject for landscape photographers. The draw to their natural beauty is clear, but sometimes coming home with the best shots is harder than you might think. Their elegance, movement, and ever-changing character make them beautiful to capture. One of the most interesting things about waterfalls is the way they move. From the meandering flow of water across rocks to the splash and spray of a crashing torrent, they"re always full of energy and excitement. A waterfall is one of the most beautiful sights in the world; its natural beauty has a terrific soothing effect on almost everyone. Enjoy the beauty and charisma of waterfalls on the pages of our new calendar. Практичный и прекрасно иллюстрированный календарь украсит интерьер вашего дома и наполнит его светом и гармонией. Размер в развернутом виде: 32м х 134 см.