Is Life a Concept?

Цена 2.09 - 12.95 USD

Is there a division in the universe between the living and the non-living? There is almost certainly such a division in your world (a conceptual division arising from the way you perceive and interact with the world). By interacting with the universe you create your world. I create my world. A bat creates its world. A dolphin creates its world. A bee creates its world. The world that you create is similar to the world that I create; this is because you and I are similar parts of the universe. Is the conceptual division between life and non-life a division which exists in the universe? Or, is it something which solely exists in your world? In this book the author considers why life is solely a concept, outlines the difference between world-creators and non-world creators, and claims that humans may have the ability to turn parts of the universe which are non-world creators into world creators.