America"s Supreme Court

In Professor Maloy"s latest book, "America"s Supreme Court: An Unfinished Symphony," by reviewing 182 cases decided by the Supreme Court he envisions the Court"s 216 year history, from 1789 through 2005, as being divided, like most symphonic works, into four distinct compartments, or "movements." The first "movement," composed of the Court led by three Chief Justices, made a hesitant start, during which it was not even given a suitable place in which to hold court. This tentative beginning was followed by the second "movement" under the leadership of two dynamic and forceful leaders - John Marshall and Roger Taney. The Court"s third period, it longest in term of years, had eight Chief Justices. Some, such as Charles Evans Hughes, were brilliant leaders, others, though competent judges, did not possess the leadership abilities one might expect of Chief Justices of the nation"s highest court. Nonetheless the third "movement" helped form a nation beyond its developing stage, but not...