Release and Deployment of Production-Ready Software: Software Configuration Management Implement, Control, Manage and Integrate Best Practices Handbook - Ready to Use Bringing Theory into Action

Цена 73.53 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781921523557

Издатель Emereo Pty Ltd

Страниц 108

Год выпуска 2008

Форма выпуска 210x295

One-of-a-kind book on an important process. This book goes far beyond traditional books on SCM by providing a methodical, complete view of the capture, versioning, build and release process. While the book focuses on what must be done to safely release a software product into production, the book also provides the necessary steps to assure product quality and integrity. Key milestones covered include defect tracking, change control and release tracking. These three areas, are not covered in any real depth in most SCM books, and are welcome additions to the applications delivery body of knowledge. If you need to develop processes and procedures in support of release management you will know that describing the capture, versioning, build and release process is not an easy task. The book does a remarkable job of separating out the pieces, focusing on each piece as it relates to the whole, and crafting a big picture that you can drill down into for details. ...