Life: Heaven on Earth: 100 Places to See in Your Lifetime

Цена 29.95 - 40.49 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781933405056

Издатель Life

Страниц 128

Год выпуска 2006

From the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx to the mysteries of Easter Island and Stonehenge, the editors of Life draw on the world"s finest photography to reveal why you must include these truly special 100 places in your life"s itinerary. Drink in the kaleidoscope that is Australia"s Great Barrier Reef and gaze at the majesty of Africa"s Mount Kilimanjaro. Sample the sophisticated splendor of the Tuileries Gardens in Paris and the sun-baked wonders of the fortress city of the Andes, Machu Picchu. And, of course, the treasures of America are not forgotten, such as the awe-inspiring Grand Canyon and the serene Atlantic beauty of Nantucket Island.