Overcoming Eating Disorders: A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Approach for Bulimia Nervosa and Binge-Eating Disorder

Цена 32.51 - 42.24 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780195311693

Издатель Oxford University Press

Страниц 144

Год выпуска 2008

The "Overcoming Eating Disorders", program addresses the cognitive-behavioral treatment of bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder. The main focus of the treatment described is the normalization of eating. Patients use self-monitoring forms to track their eating habits on a daily basis while they work toward establishing a pattern of three meals and two snacks per day eaten at regular intervals. After successfully regularizing their eating, patients move on to recognizing and eliminating their triggers for bingeing and purging. CBT techniques like problem solving and cognitive restructuring help patients deal with negative mood states, faulty interpersonal interactions, and errors in thinking. Strategies for maintaining treatment gains and preventing relapse are also addressed. Homework exercises are assigned at each session and play an important role in keeping patients motivated throughout the duration of treatment. This newly revised and updated Therapist Guide...