Брэнд - Oxford University Press, U.S.A.
Scenes of Subjection: Terror, Slavery, and Self-Making in Nineteenth-Century America (Race and American Culture)
EAN 9780195089844 33.44 USD -
Marriage, Celibacy, And Heresy In Ancient Christianity: The Jovinianist Controversy (Oxford Early Christian Studies)
EAN 9780199565535 49.40 USD -
Just Business: Business Ethics in Action
EAN 9780198296638 38.39 USD -
Cinema in Turkey: A New Critical History
EAN 9780195370065 36.96 USD -
Coping With The Seasons: A Cognitive Behavioral Approach to Seasonal Affective Disorder, Therapist Guide (Treatments That Work)
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God's Continent. Christianity, Islam, and Europe's Religious Crisis
EAN 9780195384628 17.81 USD -
Beyond Greed and Fear
EAN 9780195161212 28.00 USD -
Worlds in Motion: Understanding International Migration at the End of the Millennium (International Studies in Demography)
EAN 9780199282760 78.67 USD -
Florence, Rome, And The Origins Of The Renaissance (Clarendon Paperbacks)
EAN 9780198221531 60.92 USD -
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Oxford Chemistry Primers)
EAN 9780198556824 26.39 USD -
Excusing Crime (Oxford Monographs on Criminal Law and Justice)
EAN 9780199225781 51.65 USD -
Access Points: An Institutional Theory of Policy Bias and Policy Complexity
EAN 9780199737543 27.56 USD -
P.C.R. 3: P.C.R. In Situ Hybridization: A Practical Approach (Practical Approach Series) (Vol 3)
EAN 9780199636327 106.26 USD -
Ezra Pound: Poet
EAN 9780199571468 36.86 USD