Brill"s New Pauly: Antiquity: Volume 3: Cat-Cyp
Цена 171.12 - 378.09 USD
The entries are arranged alphabetically and, if applicable, placed in chronological order. In the case of alternative forms or sub-entries, cross-references will lead to the respective main entry. Composite entries can be found in more than one place. Identical entries are differentiated by numbering. Identical Greek and Oriental names are arranged chronologically without consideration of people"s nicknames. Roman names are ordered alphabetically, first according to the gentilicium or nomen (family name), then the cognomen (literally "additional name" or nickname) and finally the praenomen or "fore-name" (e.g. M. Aemilius Scaurus is found under Aemilius, not Scaurus). However, well-known classical authors are lemmatized according to their conventional names in English; this group of persons is not found under the family name, but under their cognomen (e.g. Cicero, not Tullius). In large entries the Republic and the Imperial period are treated separately. Формат:...