5 Steps To A 5 Ap World History Flashcards For Your Ipod With Mp3 Disk

Innovative flashcards created for iPod that build your knowledge for AP World History success! You now have a vibrant new way to master the key terms that are the basis of AP World History success, delivered in a format that is convenient for your lifestyle! 5 Steps to a 5: AP World History Flashcards for Your iPod not only makes full use of the navigation capability of the iPod, it also presents content in a dramatically appealing format, quite unlike anything currently available. Expert author Peggy Martin has selected 600 key terms that frequently appear on AP World History exams to help you achieve up to a maximum 5 score. Features Each term accompanied by an explanation delivered in an engaging manner to aid memorization Easy-to-find content using iPod"s tiered navigation system--just click to access! Focused study by using smart playlists Topics include: The World History Environment and Periodization; Development of...