The Ray Dream Handbook (Mac and Windows)
Every Ray Dream Studio user, from beginners to experts, can learn a great deal from this book. The author starts out with a chapter titled "Thinking in 3D," which explains the essential elements you need to address as you plan compelling 3-D artwork--whether realistic, fantastic, or something in between--with sophisticated models, lighting, shading, composition, and animation. In the following chapters, he and various contributing artists teach you how to think through the processes of creating effective models, animations, and special effects--and then tackle these tasks. You also get help on working with lighting, camera angles, shading, and rendering. A final chapter covers Web graphics, including animated GIFs and RealVR scenes. Most helpful is that the contributors approach each subject with general advice, hands-on instruction, and screen shots. The companion hybrid CD-ROM includes practice files that you use as you go through the book"s projects. The profiles of the contributing artists are at the back of the book, along with a directory of Web resources for Ray Dream and 3-D design.