Автор - William Wilberforce
Private Papers Of William Wilberforce
EAN 9780353613669 31.35 USD -
A Letter On the Abolition of the Slave Trade. Addressed to the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Yorkshire
EAN 9780342142385 31.35 USD -
Family Prayers
EAN 9780341737940 21.73 USD -
A Letter On the Abolition of the Slave Trade. Addressed to the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Yorkshire
EAN 9781375607674 43.08 USD -
A Practical view of the prevailing religious system of professed Christians, in the higher and middle classes
EAN 9785879874242 10.43 USD -
A Practical View of the Prevailing Religious System of Professed Christians in the Higher and .
EAN 9785879983425 8.87 USD -
A Practical View of the Prevailing Religious System of Professed Christians,: Contrasted with .
EAN 9785881399726 12.56 USD -
An appeal to the religion, justice, and humanity of the inhabitants of the British Empire microform : in behalf of the Negro slaves in the West Indies
EAN 9785881394219 8.69 USD -
A practical view of the prevailing religious system of professed Christians, in the higher and .
EAN 9785880295715 9.67 USD -
Practical view of prevailing religious system of professed Christians: contrasted with real Christianity
EAN 9785878803441 11.14 USD -
A Letter On the Abolition of the Slave Trade: Addressed to the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Yorkshire
EAN 9785878804202 12.06 USD -
An Appeal to the Religion, Justice, and Humanity of the Inhabitants of the British Empire, in Behalf of the Negro Slaves in the West Indies
EAN 9785878804226 8.84 USD -
An Appeal to the Religion, Justice, and Humanity of the Inhabitants of the British Empire
EAN 9781602062061 15.42 USD -
A Practical View of Preferred Christians
EAN 9781596054189 16.68 USD