Автор - William Wilberforce
A Practical View of the Prevailing Religious System of Professed Christians, in the Higher and Middle Classes in this Country
EAN 9783732657780 54.80 USD -
A Letter to William Wilberforce, Esq. M.P., Vice President of the African Institution, & C, & C, &c. Containing Remarks On the Reports Of the Sierra Leone Company and African Institution, With Hints Respecting the Means by Which an Universal Aboli...
EAN 9781377779904 30.83 USD -
Substance of the Speeches of William Wilberforce, esq. on the Clause in the East-India Bill for Promoting the Religious Instruction and Moral Improvement of the Natives of the British Dominions in India, on the 22d of June, and the 1st and 12th of...
EAN 9781376010008 33.28 USD -
The Speech Of William Wilberforce, esq., Representative for the County Of York, on Wednesday the 13th Of May, 1789, on the Question Of the Abolition Of the Slave Trade. To Which are Added, the Resolutions Then Moved, and a Short Sketch Of the Spee...
EAN 9781375925198 28.55 USD -
Family Prayers
EAN 9780343633349 21.73 USD -
A Practical View of the Prevailing Religious System of Professed Christians in the Higher and Middle Classes in This Country. Contrasted With Real Christianity
EAN 9781290348768 18.93 USD -
Real Christianity. Discerning True and False Faith
EAN 9781573832465 21.38 USD -
A Practical View of the Prevailing Religious System
EAN 9781612032856 15.78 USD -
A Vindication of the Religious Opinions of the Higher Classes in This Country
EAN 9780469015654 29.43 USD -
A Practical View of the Prevailing Religious System
EAN 9780530967059 35.73 USD -
Leben des William Wilberforce in seiner religiosen Entwicklung
EAN 9780341327080 33.63 USD -
Praktische Ansicht des herrschenden Religionssystems vorgeblicher Christen in den hoheren und mittleren Standen verglichen mit dem wahren Christenthum, Achte Auflage
EAN 9780341293682 38.70 USD -
Family Prayers
EAN 9780341672647 21.73 USD -
A practical view of the prevailing religious system of professed Christians
EAN 9785519171090 13.68 USD