Автор - Henry Ellis
Original Letters, Illustrative of English History: With Notes and Illustr. by H. Ellis
EAN 9785875744020 13.40 USD -
Voyage ? la baye de Hudson fait en 1746 et 1747 par les navires le Dobbs-Galley & la California, pour la decouverte d'un passage au nord-ouest microforme : avec une description exacte de la c?te, un abrege de l'histoire naturelle du pays & un expose net
EAN 9785872871101 12.47 USD -
Original letters of eminent literary men of the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries:. 23
EAN 9785880675906 9.80 USD -
Original Letters, Illustrative of English History: Including Numerous Royal Letters; from . 4
EAN 9785873612444 10.60 USD -
the pylgrymage of sir richard guylforde to the holy land, a.d. 1506. from a . 51
EAN 9785879702675 7.10 USD -
Voyage de la baye de Hudson
EAN 9785881318437 9.88 USD -
Original letters of eminent Literary Men of the Sixteenth Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
EAN 9785874324285 14.33 USD -
Librorum Impressorum Qui in Museo Britannico Adservantur Catalogus . (Latin Edition)
EAN 9785874093716 13.21 USD -
A General Introduction To Domesday Book V2: Accompanied By Indexes Of The Tenants In Chief, And Under Tenants, At The Time Of The Survey (1833)
EAN 9781437012354 67.14 USD -
A General Introduction To Domesday Book V2: Accompanied By Indexes Of The Tenants In Chief, And Under Tenants, At The Time Of The Survey (1833)
EAN 9781436728607 50.81 USD -
Original letters, illustrative of English history; with notes and ., Volume 1
EAN 9785883166067 10.76 USD -
Original letters, illustrative of English history; including numerous royal letters; from autographs in the British Museum, and one or two other collections
EAN 9785875741555 13.38 USD -
Journal of the Proceedings of the Late Embassy to China; Comprising a Correct Narrative of the Public Transactions of the Embassy, of the Voyage to . Mouth of the Pei-Ho to the Return to Canton
EAN 9785875741418 15.46 USD -
Original letters, illustrative of English history: including numerous royal letters; from autographs in the British museum, and one or two other . With notes and illustrations by Henry Ellis
EAN 9785875740275 12.15 USD