Автор - Henry Ellis
Brand.s Popular Antiquities of Great Britain. Faiths and Folklore; a Dictionary of National Beliefs, Superstitions and Popular Customs, Past and Current, With Their Classical and Foreign Analogues, Described and Illustrated
EAN 9780353033016 30.83 USD -
Observations On Popular Antiquities. Chiefly Illustrating the Origin of Our Vulgar Customs, Ceremonies, and Supersititions; Volume 2
EAN 9781375754026 39.58 USD -
Observations On Popular Antiquities Chiefly Illustrating the Origin of Our Vulgar Customs, Ceremonies, and Supersititions
EAN 9781375833806 54.10 USD -
Hall.s Chronicle; Containing the History of England, During the Reign of Henry the Fourth, and the Succeeding Monarchs, to the end of the Reign of Henry the Eighth, in Which are Particularly Described the Manners and Customs of Those Periods
EAN 9780342618125 40.45 USD -
The new Chronicles of England and France, in two Parts
EAN 9780342617920 37.83 USD -
Original Letters, Illustrative of English History. Ser.1-3
EAN 9781314292534 26.63 USD -
Brand.s Popular Antiquities of Great Britain. Faiths and Folklore; a Dictionary of National Beliefs, Superstitions and Popular Customs, Past and Current, With Their Classical and Foreign Analogues, Described and Illustrated
EAN 9781376082609 39.58 USD -
A General Introduction to Domesday Book. in Two Volumes. Volume II
EAN 9780806348407 48.09 USD -
Original Letters, Illustrative of English History: To 1586
EAN 9785875743962 11.12 USD -
A Catalogue of Books on Angling: With Some Brief Notices of Several of Their Authors
EAN 9785873461790 6.35 USD -
A General Introduction to Domesday Book. in Two Volumes. Volume I
EAN 9780806348391 60.35 USD -
The Love Letters of Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn & Other Correspondence & Documents Concerning the King and His Wives
EAN 9780857066107 20.24 USD -
Original Letters of Eminent Literary Men: Of the Sixteenth, Seventeenth, and Eighteenth Centuries
EAN 9785875744952 12.31 USD -
The Elgin and Phigaleian Marbles of the Classical Ages, in the British Museum, Volume 2
EAN 9785875072895 13.12 USD