Автор - Herodotus
Herodoti Historiarum Libri Novem, Volume 1 (Latin Edition)
EAN 9785876307217 11.14 USD -
Histoire d'Herodote, Volume 1
EAN 9785883331090 13.82 USD -
The boys' and girls' Herodotus; being parts of the history of Herodotus
EAN 9785884210011 10.82 USD -
Herodotou Halikarnesseos Historion Logoi Th I.E. Ennia, Volume 1 (Greek Edition)
EAN 9785876309099 12.42 USD -
Histoire D'herodote, Volume 6 (French Edition)
EAN 9785876203410 14.58 USD -
Herodotus. The second Persian war, ed. from books 7 and 8 by A.H. Cooke
EAN 9785883343819 8.86 USD -
Herodotos Erklaert (German Edition)
EAN 9785876310842 10.30 USD -
Histoire D'herodote, Volume 5 (French Edition)
EAN 9785876204110 13.14 USD -
Herodoti Musae: Sive Historiarum Libri Ix, Volume 3, part 1 (Ancient Greek Edition)
EAN 9785876313423 12.06 USD -
Die Musen des Herodotus von Halicarnassus. 1-4
EAN 9785884005495 13.85 USD -
Choix Des Historiens Grecs (French Edition)
EAN 9785874603076 17.30 USD -
The History of Herodotus: A New English Version, Ed. with Copious Notes and Appendices, Volume 3
EAN 9785876307903 12.35 USD -
Herodoti Historia: Cum Vita Homeri . (Latin Edition)
EAN 9785876308580 12.24 USD -
Histoire D'herodote, Volume 2 (French Edition)
EAN 9785876305749 13.21 USD