Автор - Herodotus
Della Istorie Di Erodoto (Italian Edition)
EAN 9781147004083 27.02 USD -
Histoire D'herodote, Volume 3 (French Edition)
EAN 9785876204097 10.41 USD -
Histoire D'herodote: Suivie De La Vie D'homere, Volume 3 (French Edition)
EAN 9785876304377 13.10 USD -
Histoire D'herodote: Traduite Du Grec, Avec Des Remarques Historiques Et Critiques, Un Essai Sur La Chronologie D'herodote, Et Une Table Geographique, Volume 3 (French Edition)
EAN 9785875478628 14.60 USD -
Histoire D'herodote: Traduite Du Grec, Avec Des Remarques Historiques Et Critiques, Un Essai Sur La Chronologie D'herodote, Et Une Table Geographique, Volume 7 (French Edition)
EAN 9785875478598 15.12 USD -
Herodotos; 4: Melpomene. Edited by E.S. Shuckburgh
EAN 9785876301611 11.25 USD -
Tales from Herodotus with attic dialectical forms selected for easy Greek reading
EAN 9785875812484 9.97 USD -
The Tale of the Great Persian War, from the Histories of Herodotus by G.W. Cox
EAN 9785876311375 12.33 USD -
The History of Herodotus. A New English Version, Ed. With Copious Notes and Appendices, Illustrating the History and Geography of Herodotus, From the Most Recent Sources of Information; and Embodying the Chief Results, Historical and Ethnographica...
EAN 9781377871301 31.18 USD -
The History of Herodotus. A New English Version, Ed. With Copious Notes and Appendices, Illustrating the History and Geography of Herodotus, From the Most Recent Sources of Information; and Embodying the Chief Results, Historical and Ethnographica...
EAN 9781375678230 49.90 USD -
The History of Herodotus. A New English Version, Ed. With Copious Notes and Appendices, Illustrating the History and Geography of Herodotus, From the Most Recent Sources of Information; and Embodying the Chief Results, Historical and Ethnographica...
EAN 9781376404135 31.35 USD -
Herodotus. Literally Translated From the Text of Baehr
EAN 9780469439511 39.75 USD -
Herodotus; Volume I
EAN 9780469509931 33.80 USD -
A New and Literal Translation of the First Book of Herodotus by Philomerus
EAN 9780469534711 29.60 USD