Автор - Herodotus
Herodotus, the Seventh, Eighth, . Ninth Books. With Introduction, Text, Apparatus, Commentary, Appendices, Indices, Maps, Volume 1, part 2
EAN 9781375751353 42.73 USD -
Herodotus, the Seventh, Eighth, . Ninth Books. With Introduction, Text, Apparatus, Commentary, Appendices, Indices, Maps, Volume 1, part 1
EAN 9781375751162 43.43 USD -
Herodotus, the Seventh, Eighth, . Ninth Books. With Introduction, Text, Apparatus, Commentary, Appendices, Indices, Maps
EAN 9781375630825 42.73 USD -
An Account of Egypt
EAN 9781375401524 28.55 USD -
An Account of Egypt
EAN 9781365030086 17.70 USD -
The Madness of Cambyses
EAN 9780141398778 1.47 USD -
Herodotus: The Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Books (Ancient Greek Edition)
EAN 9785876307415 11.25 USD -
Herodoti Halicarnassei Historiarum Libri IX . (Latin Edition)
EAN 9785876312501 15.24 USD -
Herodotus, Buch I-IV.: Textausgabe fur den Schulgebrauch
EAN 9785880787470 9.82 USD -
The History of Herodotus: A New English Version, Ed. with Copious Notes and Appendices, Volume 2
EAN 9785876314079 13.30 USD -
Herodotus, Book Euterpe Ed. for the Use of the Grammar School, Oundle By J. Shillibeer
EAN 9785876306876 9.02 USD -
Stories from Herodotus and the Seventh Book of the History (Ancient Greek Edition)
EAN 9785876311924 9.82 USD -
Pharaoh's Daughter: An . anthropological Drama, on the Plan of the Mystery and Parable Play .
EAN 9785880762330 10.52 USD -
Eclogae Herodoteae, from the Text of Schweighaeuser with Engl. Notes by Prof. Woolsey
EAN 9781141449729 13.01 USD