Брэнд - Ecpr Press
Conditional Democracy
EAN 9781907301698 77.00 USD -
Parties, Governments and Voters in Finland
EAN 9781910259337 58.46 USD -
On Parties, Party Systems and Democracy
EAN 9781910259184 52.28 USD -
Growing Into Politics
EAN 9781910259382 48.87 USD -
Between-Election Democracy
EAN 9781910259399 50.03 USD -
Practices of Interparliamentary Coordination in International Politics
EAN 9781910259306 49.04 USD -
Perceptions of Europe: A Comparative Sociology of European Attitudes (Ecpr Studies in European Politics)
EAN 9781907301599 42.64 USD -
Immigration, Integration and Mobility
EAN 9781907301728 57.17 USD -
The Modern State Subverted: Risk and the Deconstruction of Solidarity (ECPR Press Essays)
EAN 9781907301636 24.32 USD -
The Nordic Voter: Myths of Exceptionalism (ECPR Monographs)
EAN 9781907301506 44.00 USD -
Personal Representation: The Neglected Dimension of Electoral Systems (Ecpr - Studies in European Political Science)
EAN 9781907301575 38.77 USD