Брэнд - Harvard Business Press
Marketing As Strategy: Understanding the CEO"s Agenda for Driving Growth and Innovation
EAN 9781591392101 25.84 USD -
Strategy, Structure and Economic Performance in Large American Industrial Corporations
EAN 9780875841267 -
Seizing the White Space: Business Model Innovation for Growth and Renewal
EAN 9781422124819 25.29 USD -
Real Business of IT: How CIOs Create and Communicate Value
EAN 9781422147610 29.45 USD -
Harvard Business Review on Brand Management (Harvard Business Review Paperback Series)
EAN 9781578511440 22.00 USD -
The Harvard Business School Guide to Careers in the Nonprofit Sector (A Harvard Business School Career Guide)
EAN 9781578512317 22.95 USD -
The New Deal at Work: Managing the Market-Driven Workforce
EAN 9780875846682 35.01 USD