Брэнд - Chapman and Hall/CRC
Computer Security Literacy: Staying Safe in a Digital World
EAN 9781439856185 47.26 USD -
Computational Methods of Feature Selection (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Series)
EAN 9781584888789 110.00 USD -
Sensitivity & Uncertainty Analysis, Volume 1: Theory
EAN 9781584881155 137.32 USD -
Introduction to Data Technologies (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computer Science & Data Analysis)
EAN 9781420065176 79.41 USD -
Secret History: The Story of Cryptology (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
EAN 9781466561861 66.71 USD -
Introduction to Compiler Construction in a Java World
EAN 9781439860885 115.60 USD