Брэнд - Brand: The MIT Press
Game Theory and the Humanities: Bridging Two Worlds
EAN 9780262518253 16.53 USD -
The Organization of Reduction, Data Flow & Control Flow Systems
EAN 9780262610810 53.53 USD -
Building Mobile Experiences
EAN 9780262017930 27.69 USD -
Evil Media
EAN 9780262017855 32.30 USD -
The Fourth Dimension and Non-Euclidean Geometry in Modern Art (Leonardo Book Series)
EAN 9780262582445 51.55 USD -
Sustainable Energy: Choosing Among Options
EAN 9780262017473 75.24 USD -
EAN 9780262018470 22.02 USD -
Intermediate Public Economics
EAN 9780262018692 80.00 USD -
Statehood and Security – Georgia after the Rose Revolution
EAN 9780262532761 30.51 USD -
The Radiance of France – Nuclear Power and National Identity after World War II
EAN 9780262582810 34.86 USD -
The Elements of Computing Systems – Building a Modern Computer from First Principles
EAN 9780262640688 36.43 USD -
Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python
EAN 9780262525008 24.38 USD -
Learning with Kernels: Support Vector Machines, Regularization, Optimization, and Beyond (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning)
EAN 9780262194754 77.19 USD -
10 PRINT CHR$(205.5 RND(1)); : GOTO 10 (Software Studies)
EAN 9780262018463 28.50 USD