Брэнд - NYU Press
World History in Documents: A Comparative Reader
EAN 9780814740484 23.23 USD -
Heroic Efforts: The Emotional Culture of Search and Rescue Volunteers
EAN 9780814751848 21.45 USD -
The Measure of Injury: Race, Gender, and Tort Law
EAN 9780814716762 38.00 USD -
Garland of the Buddha\"s Past Lives (Volume 1) (Clay Sanskrit Library)
EAN 9780814795811 22.39 USD -
Divorce in the Libyan Family (New York University Studies in Near Eastern Civilization)
EAN 9780814750537 45.00 USD -
The Clay Sanskrit Library: Poetry: 9-volume Set
EAN 9780814717479 155.03 USD -
Words Made Flesh: Nineteenth-Century Deaf Education and the Growth of Deaf Culture (History of Disability)
EAN 9780814722435 59.06 USD -
The Mask of Anarchy: The Destruction of Liberia and the Religious Dimension of an African Civil War
EAN 9780814722190 24.00 USD -
The American Title Insurance Industry: How a Cartel Fleeces the American Consumer
EAN 9780814722404 45.50 USD -
The School-to-Prison Pipeline: Structuring Legal Reform
EAN 9780814763681 21.55 USD -
Beyond the Mountains of the Damned: The War Inside Kosovo
EAN 9780814756607 66.63 USD -
Feminist Legal Theory: A Primer (Critical America)
EAN 9780814751992 22.14 USD -
We Dissent: Talking Back to the Rehnquist Court, Eight Cases That Subverted Civil Liberties and Civil Rights
EAN 9780814707234 35.00 USD -
Rape and the Culture of the Courtroom (Critical America (New York University Paperback))
EAN 9780814782309 24.00 USD