Брэнд - Wordware Publishing, Inc.
Tomes of Delphi: Alogrithm and Data Structure (Wordware Delphi Developer\"s Library)
EAN 9781556227363 59.95 USD -
Advanced 3D Game Programming With Microsoft Directx 8.0 (Wordware Game Developer\"s Library)
EAN 9781556225130 59.95 USD -
DirectX Audio Exposed: Interactive Audio Development with CD (Audio)
EAN 9781556222887 59.95 USD -
Strategy Game Programming with DirectX 9 (Wordware Game and Graphics Library)
EAN 9781556229220 59.95 USD -
Real-Time Strategy Game Programming Using MS DIRECTX 6.0 (Wordware Game Developer\"s Library)
EAN 9781556226441 59.95 USD -
Introduction to Computer Game Programming with DirectX 8.0 (Wordware Game Developer\"s Library)
EAN 9781556228100 32.95 USD -
Direct3D SHADERX: Vertex & Pixel Shader Tips and Techniques (Wordware Game Developer\"s Library)
EAN 9781556220418 59.95 USD -
Embedded Systems: Desktop Integration (Wordware Applications Library)
EAN 9781556229947 49.95 USD -
Shaderx2: Shader Programming Tips and Tricks with DirectX 9.0 with CDROM
EAN 9781556229886 59.95 USD -
Advanced 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9 (Wordware Game Developer\"s Library)
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Tomes Of Delphi: Basic 32-BIT
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Demystifying Virtual Private Networks
EAN 9781556226724 34.36 USD -
Advanced Delphi Developer\"s Guide to Ado with CDR
EAN 9781556227585 59.95 USD -
Delphi Graphics And Game Programming Exposed! With DirectX
EAN 9781556226373 59.95 USD