Брэнд - Kachere Series
Malawi"s Muslims
EAN 9789990816150 56.17 USD -
The Road to Tanganyika
EAN 9789990876451 43.96 USD -
In Search of Truth and Justice. Confrontations Between Church and State in Malawi 1960-1994 (Kachere book)
EAN 9789990816198 38.95 USD -
An African Worldview. The Muslim Amacinga Yawo of Southern Malawi
EAN 9789990887518 62.01 USD -
Malawi in Crisis. the 1959/60 Nyasaland State of Emergency and Its Legacy
EAN 9789990887778 43.55 USD -
Church, State and Society in Malawi. An Analysis of Anglican Ecclesiology
EAN 9789990876512 56.17 USD -
Practical Guide to Understanding Ciyawo
EAN 9789990887853 47.08 USD -
Christians by Grace Baptists by Choice. a History of the Baptist Convention of Malawi
EAN 9789996027024 60.25 USD -
Consensus. Combating Gender Based Violence through Islam, Tradition and Law
EAN 9789990876727 35.02 USD -
African Theology in Images (Revised Ed.)
EAN 9789990881219 80.06 USD -
The UMCA in Malawi. A History of the Anglican Church 1861-2010
EAN 9789990887655 61.42 USD -
A Conflict on Authority in the Early African Church
EAN 9789990876345 38.50 USD -
Galu Wamkota
EAN 9789990887051 68.95 USD -
From the Ends of the World to the Ends of the Earth
EAN 9789990876116 26.51 USD