Брэнд - Psychology Press
Aging and Work in the 21st Century (Applied Psychology)
EAN 9780805857276 48.84 USD -
Intergroup Relations: Key Readings
EAN 9780863776793 74.20 USD -
Personality, Human Development, and Culture: International Perspectives On Psychological Science (Volume 2) (International Perspectives on Psychological Science (Psychology Press))
EAN 9781848720237 129.50 USD -
Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS: Basic Concepts, Applications, and Programming (Multivariate Applications)
EAN 9780805863727 128.12 USD -
Imagery and Verbal Processes
EAN 9780898590692 170.89 USD -
Societies of Brains: A Study in the Neuroscience of Love and Hate (INNS Series of Texts, Monographs, and Proceedings Series) (International Neural Networks Society Series)
EAN 9780805820171 43.01 USD -
EAN 9780898596298 100.12 USD -
Factor Analysis: An Applied Approach
EAN 9780805815467 76.36 USD -
EAN 9781841691275 -
Discussions on Ego Identity
EAN 9780805813296 87.11 USD -
A Brief History of Psychology
EAN 9781848728752 42.85 USD -
Handbook of Demonstrations and Activities in the Teaching of Psychology, Second Edition: Volume II: Physiological-Comparative, Perception, Learning, ... & Activities in Teaching of Psych)
EAN 9780805830460 72.10 USD -
Introduction to Neural and Cognitive Modeling
EAN 9780805802689 32.50 USD -
The Sense of Hearing
EAN 9780805848847 48.44 USD